Release v0.4.0
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Try our new Database Channel to empower your work

Release v0.4.0

The Post Channel finally has met its missing half - Database Channel.

It’s easier for you to scale your productivity while collaborating on projects and having focused conversations in one place. While Post Channel aligns your team and reduces communication friction, Database Channel makes your workflow more collaborative on projects. They act like two sides of the same coin, helping you to reach the next level of productivity.

How Database Channel can boost your collaboration on projects:

Customizable properties: Create properties to label and contextualize database items to give different contexts, like tags, dates, URLs, people, multi-select, last edited time, etc. These properties can then be used to group your data into different sections.

Release v0.4.0

Every item can be expanded into an editable page: Every item you add to the database can be expanded into a page where you can give more information and insert different media. On the expanded page, you’ll see every database property at the top. You can click on the value to edit it. Each project has its group chat, which allows communication to stay on-topic. All the context and resources you need can be found in a row.

Release v0.4.0

Group data to your needs: All the items in a database channel can be partitioned into sections in multiple ways. You can choose a property you’d like to group by and switch to another as needed. That is similar to seeking a book online. A book classification system can narrow your search by categorizing books by author, publisher, theme, etc.

Release v0.4.0


Trickle Web App

📂 File attachments

A lot of you guys have been asking for this one. Unfortunately, plain text doesn’t always help you get the job done. Now you can upload rich attachments to your posts and threads, including videos, Microsoft Word, PDFs, and more.

📂 File attachments

🫂 Member list

Our new member list will give you a clear picture of who’s on your team and their status. Click on a member’s avatar or username to bring up the profile. It will show basic information, including the profile banner, name, and bio. You can hide the member list if needed.

🫂 Member list

🍞 Breadcrumb on full-page view

Now a breadcrumb navigation appears at the top while viewing on a full page so you can see where you are and click to go back. It is ideal if you come to a page from a thread message or starred folder. Then you will never get lost.

🍞 Breadcrumb on full-page view

📜 Drafts → My channel

My Channel is now more flexible for personal use. Before, there was only a Draft section for keeping your personal posts and notes. Now you can create multiple Post and Database Channels under My Channel. Anything you add here is not accessible to people in your workspace. This is great for taking personal notes or tasks, or anything you want to work on individually before sharing with the team. Plus, your previews Draft section was moved to My Channel.

📜 Drafts → My channel
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Trickle Web App
  • A dot indicator will appear next to the workspace icon if a workspace has an unread message.
  • Now, you can re-order your workspaces and channels with a simple drag-and-drop.
  • We’ve made some improvements over Pins and the full-page view.
  • Page load speeds are now much faster, and we will keep this improvement ongoing!
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Bug Fixes

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  • This release has tackled over 100 bugs, and we hope this can boost your experience!
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Hot fixes 🔥

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Features you can expect from our upcoming releases

The following list of features will soon be part of future updates and releases. keep an eye out!

  1. Add filters and sorts to the List view to categorize content.
  2. Kanban View from Database channel to move work through stages.
  3. See all the files uploaded in one place.
  4. Composer will support Notion-like collaboration in real time.
  5. Support a better, faster, and more accurate search.
  6. Version management will soon be available on Database Channel.
  7. Workspace-level group chats and direct messages ease your collaborative communication. (TBD)
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