One Simple Price for All


Trickle Unlimited

Saved 20%
First 7 days free
per user / month
billed annually save 20%
per user / month
Unlimited screenshot uploads
Unlimited Search & AI Recall
Unlimited Collections
Unlimited App Connections
AI-Generated Digests
Bulk Upload and Export
Web Sharing for Collections
Inspiration Generation upcoming


How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time to stop future charges. To cancel, go to the 'Subscription' page in the workspace drop-down menu and click 'Manage Subscription.' This will take you to the subscription management page. From there, click 'Cancel Plan' to cancel your subscription. After cancellation, you will still have access to all features until the end of your current billing cycle.

How are failed payments handled, such as expired credit cards?

Your account email will be notified after each failed payment. Payments may be retried up to 3 times within the next 3 days.

After this, if the payment does not succeed, your subscription will be canceled automatically.

Can I change my payment method?

Yes, you can change your payment method at any time through your billing settings. To do this, go to the 'Subscription' page found in the workspace drop-down menu and click 'Manage Subscription.' This will take you to the subscription management page. There, click the '🖊️' (edit) button to change your payment method.

What are your accepted payment methods?

We currently accept all major credit and debit card brands.

Where can I find my invoices?

You can find and download your invoices on the subscription management page. To access it, go to the 'Subscription' page via the workspace drop-down menu and click 'Manage Subscription.' On the subscription management page, you will find all your historical invoices, which you can view and download.

How do I get charged when I add members to my workspace?

When you add a member to your workspace, you will be charged pro-rata based on the time they spend in your workspace and at your current subscription rate.

These additional charges will be included in the invoice, which is issued to your selected payment method on the same day of the month that you initially subscribed.

Similarly, if you remove a member, you will receive a prorated credit based on the time they spent in your workspace and your current subscription rate. This credit will be automatically applied to your next invoice.

Have more questions or need further assistance?
Feel free to reach out to us at