Turn Your Screenshot
Chaos into Gold

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Trickle transforms your screenshots using GPT-4o. Beyond summarization, we decode the essence of your captures.

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Apple Q3 FY23 Income Statement

The screenshot provides a detailed breakdown of Apple's Q3 FY23 income statement, highlighting revenues, profits, and expenses.

Total Revenue: $81.8B, down 1% Y/Y

Gross Profit: $36.4B, 45% margin, up 1pp Y/Y

Operating Profit: $23.0B, 28% margin

Net Profit: $19.9B, 24% margin, up 1pp Y/Y

Major revenue sources: iPhone ($39.7B), Services ($21.2B), MacBook and other products ($21B)

Major expenses: Cost of revenue ($45.4B), Operating expenses ($13.4B)

Period: Q3 FY23, ending June 2023

Source: appeconomyinsights.comTrickle AI

BCG Web3 Decision Tree

The screenshot presents a decision tree by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to help businesses decide whether to adopt Web3 or not. It includes various factors such as the ratio of sellers to buyers, the complexity of the supply chain, the possibility of reselling goods in a secondary market, and the potential for a creator economy.

The decision tree starts with the question of whether the business wants to make money or create an impact.

It considers the source of users, whether from existing Web2 platforms/services or Web3 communities.

It also explores the interest in the decentralized web and the plan to create or tap into an ecosystem with the product/service.

The decision tree ends with different outcomes, including staying in Web2, experimenting, or welcoming to the Web3.Trickle AI

A screenshot of Spotify login interface that sourced from Mobbin.
Spotify Login Screen

The screenshot shows the login screen of Spotify where a user has entered an incorrect username or password. The screen also provides options to continue with Google, Facebook, or Apple.

App: Spotify

Error: Incorrect username or password

Other login options: Google, Facebook, AppleTrickle AI

A screenshot of a Twitter post by @garrytan.
Garry Tan Discusses Potential for New Consumer Product

Garry Tan responds to a user's tweet about the need for a better way to manage screenshots, suggesting a potential consumer product.

User: Madeline (@madsmacartney)

Date: Jun 26, 2023

Engagement: 20 Reposts, 5 Quotes, 437 Likes, 217 Bookmarks

Context: Discussion on managing screenshots and internet mapping.Trickle AI

A collection of various screenshots and each displaying different content.
Find a treasure trove in your screenshots. With Trickle, they could become your inspiration board, snippet library, scrapbook, or whatever you'd like.

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What You Can Achieve with Trickle

Extract insights from screenshots.
Identify and highlight essential info from diagrams.
Digitize your handwritten content.
Easily search your screenshots.
Ask AI about semantic results.
Recognize non-text-based graphics. New
Extract plain text using OCR. Upcoming
A screenshot of Memories interface on Trickle.
Trickle - Transform screenshots into searchable treasures with AI | Product Hunt